I will be soft

I will be soft

A lot of different frameworks in the self help and therapy world ask us to identify an inner critic or bully.  When we are trying to change how we think about things, it can help to realized that many messages we have internalized are not helping us.  But I...
I will be soft

Let me be forgotten

A thing that most of us have heard is that immortality is achieved by being remembered.  Let our deeds reverberate through the ages, for it is in glory that we achieve eternal life.  Ideally we would all be Vikings/Klingon warriors/Nobel prize winners. This...
I will be soft

Shut up, Descartes

Cogito, ergo sum.  I think, therefore I am. We’ve all heard this repeated somewhere or other. René Descartes made this statement in Discourse on the Method, published in 1637.  He was concerned with the observation that he had held many beliefs which were later...
I will be soft

When the right thing feels terrible

Sometimes toxic positivity sneaks up on us. My opinion is that the whole “you’ll know what to do when it feels right” is a sneaky version of “stay positive.” Sometimes the right thing to do doesn’t feel right. Sometimes it feels horrible. Maybe because we’re in the...
I will be soft

The Peace of Meaninglessness

There will always be another metaphor, another parable, another facile couplet, about the meaning of suffering.   We are a species that loves finding patterns so much that there is a name for the phenomenon of finding faces in abstract patterns.  (It’s...